"Forevers sont composées des maintenant."
-Emily Dickinson

"I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions."
-Elizabeth Taylor

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
-Mae West

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the word and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."
-E.B. White

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." -Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.

"There's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot wrong with the world you live in." -Chris Colfer

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yoga: Just Do It

        Yoga Zen anyone? You won't be sorry. The health benefits of yoga on the mind and body have been recognized for centuries. Yoga works the whole system of the body, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, internal organs, respiratory system, glandular and nervous system. The list goes on and on. It keeps the body young and strong. Certain poses massage certain internal organs and help detox your body. Yoga is designed for any specific body type and if you stick with it long enough your are guaranteed to see a change in yourself emotionally and physically.
        Let's take a glance at the benefits of yoga for a minute, shall we? Yoga can increase strength, improves flexibility, increased energy, helps heal injuries, can help treat insomnia, can help reduce or cure back pain, improved mental and physical awareness and again; the list goes on and on.
        I have only been attending yoga for a short period of time and the very first time I attended a yoga class was about two, almost three years ago. And I will admit, that it wasn't my favorite thing to do. At first, I enjoyed the first 30 minutes of the class and then after that I would say "Okay, I'm done with this; ready to go home." I was also not very flexible or strong and it was very difficult for me to actually do any of the poses. But I stuck with it, and now I can do poses that I never thought would be imaginable. I am also striving to become a yoga instructor myself. The art of yoga has truly opened my eyes and shown me what is really important in life. And if you are anything like I was, don't give up on the practice because I really truly believe that it takes the average person awhile to actually appreciate the art of yoga; and that's exactly what it did for me.
        I overheard my yoga instructor say this once to someone who was a beginner in her class. And it has stuck in my head ever since that day. "Now don't do anything you feel uncomfortable doing, listen to your body because yoga is a developmental practice." "You wouldn't just begin running today and then run a marathon tomorrow would you?" And I hadn't really thought about it like that before, but my yoga instructor was exactly right. It was the perfect analogy at the time.
        Ever since I have began yoga, I have gotten quite a few people into the habit of practicing yoga at least three times a week. I am so blessed to have the positive influence that I do from my progressing photos that I post on social networks. People see them and it inspires them to start their days off with a little bit of yoga; so I've been told. It truly fills my heart with joy. I can't wait to be a certified yoga instructor so that I can help and inspire people to continue their lives doing yoga every single day.
        Yesterday my friend Susan that I work with agreed to come to yoga for the very first time and try it out. The class lasted almost two hours. I wasn't sure how she would respond to the practice at first, but when we finished off the class with a low and peaceful "Namaste" and then began to leave she said that she really loved it and that she might want to come back on Wednesday with me. I couldn't help but smile and think that this was the start of her becoming a dedicated yogi soon enough.
        If you have never attended a yoga class and would like to; don't question or psych yourself out thinking that you won't be able to even do the class because you're not "flexible" or you "feel silly." Yogi's are very accepting, and to be honest, no one is even looking at you and chances are; you might be able to do more of the poses than someone else in the class. Yoga is about "you" and your practice, you're not supposed to be thinking about anyone else in the class or competing with anyone else. The only person you should be competing with, is yourself. Get in tuned with your inner self and just yogi on. Also, another note; most of you men think that yoga is a feminine practice and men aren't meant to bend that way. Well the truth is, yoga is a very popular practice and exercise for men all over the world. Yoga is a co-ed exercise and in my opinion; only REAL MEN practice yoga.
        My very close friend Michael who lives in California at the time actually agreed to attend yoga when he was here visiting my family and I. He admitted that it was difficult for him but he felt that it was something that he could see himself continue doing and really find himself to enjoy. He stated that he would be sure to attend yoga classes when he returned to California. I was very pleased with his response. So before you feel like judging the hardcore and complex practice of yoga, you might want to have an open mind about it first; just like Michael did. Like I said in the very beginning... you won't be sorry.

      Albany Reed

P.S. If anyone has any questions about the beautiful art of yoga, feel free to leave a comment. And if you are as dedicated as I am, feel free to post pictures of your practice as well.


Susan's first yoga class.

Michael doing crow for the very first time. He's a natural.


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