I would like to make a shout out to all of my instructors who have helped me get to where I am today as a beginner yoga instructor. I appreciate every single one of them for everything they have taught me. I couldn't possibly know everything there is to know about yoga, but they have taught me a small chunk of what I know and feels like just that little bit of information has made the difference in how I teach in my own practices.
I have an instructor who has taught me so much over the years from me just attending her classes regularly. She is a dedicated person in everything that she does and it is an honor to say that I am friends with her. I have another instructor in my life who I have only known for a very short time, but it feels like I have known her all my life. She is so free and has spirit just oozing out of her all the time - it's amazing. Also, I would like to thank all of my yoga instructors who helped me throughout my 3 week immersion when I was in Asheville, NC. It was an extraordinary experience and I loved every single second of it. My instructors have taught me what it is to be a yoga instructor and it's all about self expression whether you are a student or a instructor. Every teacher that I have met and know in my life is so incredibly different, but so similar at the same time. They all have their different styles of teaching but at the end of the practice they all have one thing in common... the students' interest at heart. Everything they do is for their students and they just keep giving and giving each time they step foot on their mats. They are all inspiring people inside and out.
This post was supposed to go up on my blog yesterday, but my computer simply would not let me post it for some reason. So, even though it is a day late... here it is and I will do the August 2nd yoga photo sometime today.
Furthermore, with it being the beginning of August I have decided to do a 31 days of yoga challenge which will consist of me posting a picture of me doing a yoga pose every single day and then stating what I am thankful or blessed for each day. I have always wanted to do a yoga challenge and now I am finally doing it. I hope that many of you who see this post will then decide to do the challenge as well. It's a wonderful challenge and I can't wait to post more photos. This is the first photo of many to come this month - Enjoy!!! Now hurry, jump on your mat and strike a yoga pose - the first day isn't over yet.
Right leg forward split
In honor of this photo that I have taken today I am out of this world blessed and thankful for all of my teaching opportunities that I have been given as a yoga instructor. I have had the luxury of diving straight in to teaching different locations and meeting new people as I go. It is an amazing experience and it has only just begun.
Yoga Scheduling:
- Princeton Health and Fitness Center / Permanently teaching Tuesday evenings at 5:15 p.m. as well as other days this month.
- Pipestem State Park Hotel and Resort / Every Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in The Faulcner Room.
- The First Presbyterian Church / Every Monday evening a 5:30 p.m. Located at 322 3rd Avenue Hinton, WV
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